diligence: noun
1- constant and earnest effort to accomplish what is undertaken: persistent exertion of body or mind.
this has been my reality for the past few days and will continue for a few more weeks. well, you see i try my hardest to always have some sort pep in my step ever since i became a wife but this time i think i over booked myself. let me just spell it out for you......we are moving. now im positive that i am in a better predicament than wives who are also mothers. may i give you all gold stars on your foreheads and a round of applause. i do not know how you all accomplish such things and still have time to look fabulous. as i was saying, i overbooked my weekend and im a little nervous about it. lets see, how about if i break down my days to come.
wednesday: take bella to summer school, work 9 am to 6 pm, pack up the car and go to new apartment, clean said new apartment and unload car, go home and pack some more, sleep.
thursday: work 9 am to 6 pm, take kenny to practice at the church, make dinner for one, more packing, more cleaning and washing my dirty dirty hair.
friday: take bella to summer school, be at church 9 am for set up for the kelly wedding which is where i will be for a good solid 12 hours, go home and crash.
saturday: pack up food and last minute things, moving party, unpack the necessities, go to church, hang out, crash.
sunday: wakey wakey eggs and bakey at 7 am, go set up shannons baby shower, shower at 11 am, clean up at 3:30 pm, take kenny to practice at the church, go to new apartment and unpack allll night looooong.
now that i look at this, im sure i just wrote all of this down for my own sanity. i apologize for the random tangent of posting my schedule smack dab in the middle of this blog.
i think i will end this by saying that this weekend, above all, i am in need of gods patience. as well as to remain meek, joyful and well rested in his arms.
"we also pray that you will be strengthened with all his glorious power so you will have all the endurance and patience you need."
colossians 1:11