
well than,

i wonder what one writes in a blog? especially a blog with no purpose other than writing just to write. you see, day jobs can be quite boring and well writing was once something that i held dear to my heart. perhaps the match will strike and our love will be united once again. until then i ask for your patience and hope you enjoy what your eyes can see. 

earlier today i read a quote from a mr. henry james that i came across on the internet some time ago and for no reason at all it came alive to me in a whole new way at that moment. the quote is simply this, 

"there are few things in life more agreeable
 than the ceremony of afternoon tea."
- henry james.

is that fabulous or what. you see a few years ago when i moved to salt lake a friend took me to the beehive tea house and immediately i fell in love with this darling 20's themed tea house. this is where i discovered afternoon tea and it was oh so magical. now afternoon tea is a tradition that originated in britain in 1662. it was founded when king charles II married a portuguese princess named catharine and as part of her dowry she brought with her a small chest of tea which she would serve to her friends at court. however it was not until the early 1700's that the term "afternoon tea" came to be when anna the 7th duchess of bedford experienced what she called a "sinking feeling" around 4 or 5 in the afternoon. she asked her maid to bring her a small pot of tea, bread and butter and some cake to her room. she then found thiarrangement so agreeable that she began asking her friends to join her. i would thank anna if i could.  

now im not sure about you but i personally find the olden days so fascinating. women back then were always dressed immaculately from head to toe, day by day. im sure that not every day back then was peachy but i admire their mannerisms and mostly their slowness of life. i say those ladies knew how to have a good time. i need to find the time to just hang out with my ladies and slow life down because just like our mr. henry james would say, its hard to find things more agreeable than afternoon tea. 

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